Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Heritage

Although many people automatically think that I am Irish (Murphy seems to be a dead giveaway), I actually am not Irish at all! My former last name is in fact German and Austrian which is where my grandfather's family immigrated from. My grandmother is all Italian and with a maiden name like Marinari, it's hard to mistake her for anything else. But when looking at a picture of my family, it is very difficult to discern what nationality we LOOK like. My older brothers both have red hair, one is extremely pale-skinned with blue eyes and the other is olive-skinned with brown eyes. My mother has dark hair and dark eyes while my father has dark hair and blue eyes. I have been told I have a blond hair, although I don't agree, but I know I have brown eyes. With a group like this, it's hard to figure where we are from. I guess you could say I'm a mutt.... and that's the way I like it.

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